Friday, July 18, 2008

Time to start blogging

Well this post officially starts my blogging life. I know I have said in the past that I was gonna do it, But trust me this time it will be for real.

Jason(pictured above)and I went to the Midnight Showing of The Dark Knight. We got there pretty early in order to get good seats and to our surprise we only waited about 20 minutes in line before they said just go into your theater and wait. So we had prime seats. TDK was awesome! Please go see it. I'll most likely see it again on the Imax screen sometime this week. It definitely lived up to the hype surrounding it.

It's 5 am and time for sleep. I'm very happy I don't have to work today!

1 comment:

H is for hOWIE said...

Dude, I went to evanston to go see TDK last night. I pre-bought my ticket and everything...and when I got there, there were no seats! ahhh! glad to hear you liked it though.